We Improve Your Experience Day by Day

LUSQUAN SOCIAL is a technical platform aimed at bridging divides. Nothing in life is set in stone and much of what we know as existence are constructs LUSQUAN SOCIAL as a technical platform aims to foster collaboration and interaction on a digital level amongst those who care about being human.
Budget Friendly

Membership costs next to nothing monthly and better positions you to improve your networking and communication abilities while fostering valued relationships.

Messaging System

Messaging has become an indispensable tool for anyone doing anything worthwhile or serious online an din a social network it adds immense value. SO why not leverage it to expand your reach within the community.

5k Qualitative People
We Do Not Need The Whole World

Value That LUSQUAN Social Provides

It does not have to be “popular” it just has to be unique and qualitative catering for a select few


Customize your profile to your hearts content


Meaningful and Solution Oriented

Groups to discuss

Make it just how you want them to be

“ At first you may not understand t, but if you are patient enough you will will find it will all make sense eventually. “

“ We have been around as many have wondered why its taking so long! Well it is just that we have been biding our time as anything worth doing is worth putting in the effort to do it. “

“ Sometimes the technical 'complexity' of things things being open source first need to be fully understood before one can make sense of it all. “








So Much So Good But The Real Builders Are You

Lets show the world that we can put a community filled with harmony and meaningful interactions together. Don’t channel energy complaining about it just build it because the making is in your hands we do not need to always have “others” with questionable motives do it for us when we can do it ourselves….Lets Do This!

10 C +

Growing Members

10 +

Features Available

50 +

Global Community

150 K +

Overall Rating