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    • AFRICAN SYSTEMS OF GOVERNANCE THAT RESPECT HUMANITY For far too long Africans have imposed westernized "isms" as systems of governance over Africa and sadly have ended up aided and abetting the subjugation and de-valuing of the 'African' through these highly questionable "isms" knowingly and unknowingly. It is that time in human history for Africans to now drop all the stupid "isms" and focus their attention on constructing genuine systems of governance that is PEOPLE based (not elitism or classism or any extension of modernized feudalism) and people respecting and not one focused on tyrannical centralization of the state. We have the intellect to construct systems of governance the problem has been no one has ever before TRIED as all they have done as usual is swallow and regurgitate what they colonial masters gave them and spoon-fed them through their educational indoctrinating systems that all f us went through. Time to start THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX without loosing sight of the box as the box is very diabolical so keep it in sight at all times.  
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    • DEVELOPING A NEW FORM OF ECONOMIC VALUE Money in itself is MEANINGLESS it is the VALUE placed on it that is meaningful. The existing systems could all fall flat on their faces if only people would en-mass understand that these financial systems are VALUELESS and only ascribed value because YOU give it value. You do NOT need the "banks" nor do you NEED the organizations that impose servitude on you through strangling you with these systems of monetary value. What you need is LAND, the will to put in effort to produce as well as to CARE for others around you. Yes, as long as you can feed yourself, shelter yourself and cloth yourself you can buy yourself the time needed to think out new financial exchange systems that are more human and not diabolical as the past and present ones that have been introduced and imposed on Africa have been. The sad truth is that the real problem that Africa and the African has is actually THE AFRICAN as it is he/she who sells its soul to the devil and betrays its own kind working hand in hand with the devil to kill, maim, subjugate, cheat, deceive and dehumanize its own fellow man/woman. Look carefully at history it is the AFRICAN who has betrayed the AFRICAN (globally from brother Malcolm, Sheriff Browne in DeKalb to Lumumba down to Sankara and even on to the likes of Ghaddaffi) and till this very day somehow these same "mentally deranged Africans" outcasts orgy off doing evil things like that. Yes! remind yourself it is your own brothers, sisters, cousins,  nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, grandparents and friends who are the same ones in all the clandestine organizations performing acts of atrocities in the name of "Law" or "Civilization" or "War against Terror" and are the same people that are the ones ACTUALLY PERPETRATING ALL THE HORRORS on mankind trying to vindicate themselves by saying (I Quote:) "...I am only doing my job..." Really!! Yes! It is your own kind who join eurocentric organizations such as the UN and perform acts of sophisticated terror such as poison the waters in Haiti, rape and torture in Somalia, dowse clothing in dangerous chemicals then project manage their distribution into central and western Africa to affect the locals, inject unsuspecting innocent people in Africa with AIDS, Ebola, Zika under the guise of "HEALTH" yes it is your own kind who rape and violate  women (and little boys and girls)  during battles they "volunteered" to serve and die for the "FLAG" and conflicts they don't even know how/why they started and it is your own kind who is corrupt to the teeth while in government and high organizational  positions  and orders the torture and murders of others who question their corruption. Yes my brother and sister it is OUR OWN Kind so now that you know let the discussions begin as we need to bring this madness to an end for the sake of future generations.  
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